While I am only one person, I can truly say that I am enjoying the quality of the show that I feel that it has. I love how they interweave the case of the week with the larger, recurring storyline. I love how they are making this a good show to people who are both new to the franchise and existing fans of the franchise. I feel that this show is doing good and can only hope that there is more than the initial ten episode order for this show, especially if they can bring back other good characters from other parts of the franchise in future seasons.
course, there is a problem with the show that might not be as well known as
just the idea that it might just be an event series in the first place. That’s
the bad ratings of it. It isn’t too bad that it is certainly dead. But it is
worrisome for it lasting longer than it has already.
the idea of a bomb in a mouth is something that I’ve already seen from a scene
from Rush Hour 2. This happened to Agent Lee, the character played by Jackie
Chan. I have to say that this is a different angle than what we’d have seen in
the show itself. But it is an interesting comparison.
the plot of the last episode focusing on creepy clowns in a fun house, I
couldn’t help but think of the song Funhouse by P!nk. I might want to look up
the lyrics of it at some point in time. I think that I get the gist of it, but
might understand it better if I could find a video of its lyrics. That’s
provided that one can make sense of the song. It could be like Smells Like Teen
Spirit where you can’t make sense of it even knowing what it is that they say.
first part has a random horse showing up with a person taking video of it.
Maybe he will go viral like those taking dewormer for horses against the
actual, well known virus going on in the world. Anyways, the horse has blood on
it. It isn’t his blood. But what is the case, exactly? I guess we’ll find out.
man makes pills and a meal with his sister being there as well. He wants her to
eat pancakes. He has a shoulder injury that he had treated with a band aid. We
then see David being talked to about the case of his in question. David is told
more about the man who has worked with him that was almost his lawyer, saying
that this man doesn’t make mistakes, but the team still unclear about motives.
newbies are at the crime scene with the horse that is amazing and probably
tastes just like raisins. They can’t get the horseshoe. Maybe they should try
for the pots of gold and rainbows instead.
second part has Maxine and Allie talking to a guy in a cowboy hat who was alone
at the time of a crime, but said that it couldn’t be him. Then who? There were
rare earth elements found that relate to what is going on. Who is this new CSI
guy? And can he be trusted? Normally in shows, they aren’t to be trusted if
they are an old friend or a random new teammate. We see them go on horseback
pin from the grenade is found that relates to the David case and we see that
this could be concrete evidence that Mr. Wix, the lawyer, is the person behind
the whole conspiracy against him. Allie and the new guy (I think) find the dead
body at hand. He says that he will take the body. The people from the crime lab
are thought to be cops, but they explain that they are not. The kids there are
killers as this place is a halfway house. And the plot just thickened.
third part has the team talking to a Cory and he is helping them with the case.
Josh claims that he has bad things in his genes. As long as he avoids becoming
like Ray, he should be fine. I hate still how Ray’s story was unresolved when
they couldn’t make use of Laurence Fishburne anymore and also hate how Laurence
instead wound up largely in a big, recurring role on the awful Black-ish
instead of doing more of CSI. And I love his replacement on the show too. But
his story’s lack of resolution was among the worst unsolved plot threads in all
of TV history.
about that. Now back to the episode in question: one of the juvenile criminals
seems desensitized to the whole experience and says that everyone dies. Is he
the killer of this episode? It seems too easy, but we’ll see. David is missing,
but not for too long as he goes to a normal meeting place (a food truck) to
talk to Mr. Wix. The police show up to this event.
rest of the team is wondering why a person was killed with a shovel. He didn’t
get rid of a shirt that he used to help someone that was bloody as he felt that
him and others that he knew would be suspects. But Maxine wants to help.
fourth part has Theo, this man, being brought up by Maxine. She talks to Josh
about the case at hand. She learns that the blood is, in fact, three weeks old
and Theo is let go since the shirt isn’t from the murder. Meanwhile, David was
able to get out of any potential trouble by pregnancy cravings his wife was
having being brought up as a reason why he want there. But Mr. Wix could be
tipped off with Gil drawing the short end of a stick and having to tell his
the team having a suspect at hand, they talk to him and try to prove that he
was the killer. He has some evidence that supports his side, but the others
aren’t too sure as to what is going on. Gil talks to Mrs. Wix and she might be
in on his crime as she felt that David would be most likely to fake evidence
since all he did was follow the evidence. She implies that she will erase any
evidence at her house before he is able to do any proper searches and looks
forward to seeing him in court.
fifth part has many suspected blood patterns being recreated to maybe see what
might be going on. The dead person, Henry, is brought up. Henry was killed by
his son Cory. I don’t quite understand all of this. A news story is done on
David which is largely ignored while Gil and Sara talk about the case at hand.
The horse found a home by Josh. Maxine is told that she is being suspended from
the team since it seems like she was digging into what the Washington county
team was looking into the case. And Mr. Wix might be behind this.
the next CSI: Vegas, there is a nasty vat going on with many victims being
brought out of this. Is this a great green glob of greasy slimy gopher guts?
Piles of eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood and me without my spoon, but I
have a straw.
it being very close to Thanksgiving and all of the time disappearing over and
over again, I note that they are already airing promos for this show’s
replacement that I will get into later. Now I don’t know if I will be able to
see this on the day that it airs. But I also don’t know if this will even be
affected in this blog or not. What I do know is that I am telling you about
this in case it is affected even though I don’t have the old work schedule with
the old job that I used to which affected this anymore. That’s all that I’m
going to talk about this at this point in time as there is not much else to
say. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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