Monday, June 26, 2023

Season 2 Episode 16

Since I mentioned the show 9-1-1 in a previous post, I might as well mention the Monday shows that I watch. This will cover things that aired throughout Mondays in midseason 2023 even though they didn’t all air at the same time. Other than 9-1-1, the shows that I watched on Mondays are Alert, Quantum Leap, The Good Doctor, NCIS, and NCIS: Hawaii.


The next Money Rock song is called Where the Money Goes which covers what all people spend money on over the course of time. It is hard to better explain in song where all money goes.


The boss of Tower of the gods is Gohdan. It has to keep the fight fair as it is a hero training ground and they want the person to pass in some way even while trying to kill you and not having helpful ways to heal yourself like other boss stages before this. The game is kind of nutty in some ways while trying to be easier than it could be. What is interesting about this video is how it sets up to the next one that I might not have included otherwise without the extra part to it.


Coming up next in Songs from the Heart is The Last Rose Fantasia by Celtic Woman. I have never really liked this song, but you’ll get to what I hate most from this concert later at the very end. It just seems like a bunch of noise and a way of passing the time after the last song before the next one. It might have worked better in the Isle of Hope tour, the only Celtic Woman concert I’ve seen in person.


March Madness update: The other thing that I mentioned in my Survivor blog about which teams to root for in March Madness related to certain states provided that they keep whoever their current governor was in 2020. Thus, since both Oregon and Nevada are out of automatic teams to root for in the future since they both have had new governors elected. The states that still have people that I want around are Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Washington, California, New Jersey, Delaware, and New Mexico. I felt that the governors of those states did one or two things right. There are also some of them that I want to criticize for a pro-choice alliance, but that’s not something I’m going to mention in this blog. I will instead mention that here:


There is a lot to talk about from this old Madam Secretary blog post. I talk about there being potential anti-teams with March Madness. I don’t really do them ever as it just doesn’t really work for me or make sense. I also talk about how they changed where one of the hosts was as North Carolina was not hosting with South Carolina replacing it. While North Carolina hosted again, it wasn’t until this year until the original planned host city wound up hosting again.


There were two interesting facts in regards to the host change. One was that there was an upset of a lower seeded South Carolina team beating a North Carolina team that’s mentioned in the post and a North Carolina team wound up winning the tournament. There has not yet not been a case of controversy changing a location since this happened, which is weird since it could have easily happened again.


Teams in the tournament from North Carolina in 2017 were Wake Forest, North Carolina Central, UNC Wilmington, Duke, and North Carolina. I rooted for all of them. Kansas also wound up being a team that I root for this time around. If those teams are underlined, they were in the tournament this year and I’m rooting for them again. Note that UNC Asheville was in the tournament this year instead of UNC Wilmington. There were mistakes in this blog post such as forgetting the word with after we begin and saving wave when I should have said waves. I also talk about the annoying neurotypical habit of doing the opposite of what you are told to do.


The next acrostic poem that I’m going to write is on the state of Mississippi. It is also known for having elections in the year between the midterms and the presidential election. I won’t talk about that here. Instead, enjoy this poem.


Mostly seen as a crazy state

It can have its benefits

Such as cheap gas

Scenery that’s good to look at

If you want to go there

Seeing great things

Such as rivers and the ocean

It can be worth the visit

Please go there sometime

Point to a good location

I see Mississippi


Movie update: For the potential foreseeable future, I may not see any movie on any of my lists for a while. I just don’t have the time and want to stay caught up on some other things as well. I will include these if and when I feel I have the time for them again. Assume no movies from any list were watched until you see this part in this blog again at some point. I will update you one final time on the list should this season ends because at the end of this season, I will post one tentative last update of that in this blog before moving it back to my Survivor blog on the posts on season 45.


The first part has a person who was a cleaner seemingly killing people. But it is a guy, unlike the killer cleaner from the second Johnny English movie. Maxine doesn’t want to stay with her family as they aren’t safe at the moment. Well, that is what I can understand about the scene. Another crime scene with a dead woman named Molly is investigated. They tested for two poisons, one of them arsenic. Was the other old lace? There is an outbreak in the lab with Sonja being poisoned by Molly’s body.


The second part had Sonja in the hospital with the others okay. I am thinking that Molly was the random dead woman from the previous episode. Pete says that since he had a way of targeting serial killers, the police ruined it and now chaos will ensue. Chaos already happened on CBS and it didn’t last long since it started so late in the season. But these people were just people with mental health disorders.


The team looks at the convenient recording of autopsy which I guess they do for some reason? At some point, some previously unseen Ron calls the team on the phone and taunts them as he tries to hunt a new person down and they don’t know what he means as he talks weirdly. Ron is the silver ink killer.


The third part has the team wondering how Ron had all of their phone numbers. Jack, the brother of Sonja, feels that for some reason, he should have been the one doing the autopsy as they seek to find out what poison it is that they are dealing with and he is angry. Penny thinks that there is code of some sort or math equation. The team still can’t figure out the poison identification. The evil Ted is taken to a hospital.


The fourth part has the team still frantic to find people with a time frame of hours only being used. Sonja is in a coma by now. Ron isn’t doing much, it seems. Ron calls them again and seems to gravitate towards Allie for some reason. They still have a hard time identifying the chemical used in the poisoning. The formula is hinting at an event at a mental hospital that will cause mass causalities.


The fifth part brings the team to the targeted building with half an hour to clear everyone from the building and stop his plan from happening. While they catch Ron, they still need to get to the bomb. Its gas gets contained just in the nick of time as it is set to go off. Penny wants to know what another note means with Beau saying that it doesn’t matter anymore. Ron is arrested and the team seems to do better. Even Sonja seems to be doing better, which is good. There are no scenes from next time so I guess that I’ll see you whenever it works out. I’ll want to be back to normal at some point. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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Season 2 Episode 16

Since I mentioned the show 9-1-1 in a previous post, I might as well mention the Monday shows that I watch. This will cover things that aire...