Sunday, November 28, 2021

Season 1 Episode 8

I know that I mentioned in my Survivor blog that this show’s blog posts could be moving to Wednesdays or may remain on Sundays depending on what all happens. Well, now you know in this blog too. Know that regardless of if I will get to watch shows on Wednesday during Advent, I should talk about what Wednesday shows I currently watch at the moment. I do watch Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman on the CW. I think that both of those are ending their new episodes before the start of the Advent season. Obviously, I watch Survivor and CSI: Vegas. I could wind up seeing more of Tough as Nails since I won’t watch a normal thing. But I might just stick with my only other Wednesday show, Home Economics on ABC.

The first part has people looking for a credenza. They don’t know what that is. I thought that it was a dead ficus plant. A 9-1-1 call was made. It seems that the CSI team is accused of helping David falsify evidence or joining his cover up. They don’t know what might be going on with Mr. and Mrs. Wix as they need to find some sort of evidence before the case goes to trial. All of their hope has gone down the drain.

The second part has people at the new crime scene. It is a new crime scene, right? Or is it an existing one? This probably relates to the FOX show tie-in, right? No? We do see Maxine at a sports area and then switch to Josh and Allie talk about Eric being one of the dead people of the episode, the new one as of this episode. This woman is the wife, I think, of Eric. Chase is another suspect who comes up as well. Eric was dealing with shady people. Maybe they need to put sunlight on them. Or maybe keep them in darkness since that is certain not to leave any shade.

Gil and Sara talk more about what is going on with Hugo having to look through for an item that Sara lost. Was it her wedding ring? Or something else? Maxine talks to her son some. Gil and Sara look through the garbage of more of a case. They want to look through a person named Woo’s trash or something in order to find more of what could be linked back to David’s case. Some woman says that it is easy to duplicate fingerprints. Sara watches her work.

We see more relating to the cases at hand with various suspects brought up. I was a bit confused and out of focus for that, not paying as much attention as I should have as I did not get enough of a nap in today. At least I don’t have to work tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be a long day again. It seems like we are getting a CSI like version of the NCIS episode: The Meat Puzzle (from its season 2) since there is more than one body found in whatever water was seen.

The third part has people wondering what might have happened in the bathroom as a fight there might have lead to more people dying. The killers try hard to get rid of the evidence of the death, but there is always evidence left behind it seems. Hugo seeks to find Sara’s missing wedding ring, but the salt in the sludge that they are looking for sets of metal detectors, preventing an easy find. Allie and Josh find a man at a place that could be a suspect, but he is uncooperative right now.

Hugo mentions some about his wife and we have just a bit of his back story. That might be one of the biggest flaws of this new series is that we haven’t seen that much of the new characters in terms of background behind them. A smile is shown that goes back to a man named Chase who is alive, but also said to be a suspect. Does this mean that there are twins? Or lookalikes? What has sin rostro done?

The fourth part has a twin saying why he is pretending to be his twin. They inform him of the real Chase’s death. They think that Chase is related to the murder in some way. But how did he wind up dead? Grayson is the name of the twin. They talk some to the woman from earlier about this. Some possibly strange thing happens with Maxine, but I can’t tell what.

Since there was a burn mark on this woman’s leg, she is brought into interrogation to talk more about what’s going on. Her name is Tammy. She proclaims her innocence. She wonders when and how she could have done this. Gil himself doesn’t know, even if it is her or not. Sara talks to Mr. Wix and he doesn’t like CSIs. None of them? Not the original? Miami? New York? Cyber? I think that his first name is Hanson. Does that make him part of the Russian dolls? Where are his two brothers? Or maybe there is only one of them? Or maybe three? But one just turns out to be a prop?

The fifth part has another montage relating to the crime scene. Sara accidentally met with Hanson, which she tells first Gil then Maxine. They are convinced that Hanson had an accomplice, but don’t think that it’s his sister. Sadly, laws were broken since Maxine isn’t supposed to help at the crime scene. Maybe two laws were broken. Gil thinks that a killer could have superhuman strength or not even be human.

We then see a reenactment. Chase used a chemical reaction to kill Eric which resulted in an explosion that resulted in his own death as well. Tammy is still thought to be guilty in some way, but not much is known yet.. Gil also finds the ring, which is what he probably meant to give her earlier, but was cut short. David appears to be late for his own trial. The team is out of time for something, but I can’t exactly tell how. We then learn that a basketball player (not a professional one) is the link between the hit man and Hanson.

On the next CSI: Vegas, some case involving body modification is going on. Is that even possible? Or just something that TV wants us to believe is real? I might be back with this blog on Wednesday next week, but it will probably be Sunday as usual. I will explain more in my CSI: Cyber blog some of what is going on. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Season 1 Episode 7

While I am only one person, I can truly say that I am enjoying the quality of the show that I feel that it has. I love how they interweave the case of the week with the larger, recurring storyline. I love how they are making this a good show to people who are both new to the franchise and existing fans of the franchise. I feel that this show is doing good and can only hope that there is more than the initial ten episode order for this show, especially if they can bring back other good characters from other parts of the franchise in future seasons.


Of course, there is a problem with the show that might not be as well known as just the idea that it might just be an event series in the first place. That’s the bad ratings of it. It isn’t too bad that it is certainly dead. But it is worrisome for it lasting longer than it has already.


Now the idea of a bomb in a mouth is something that I’ve already seen from a scene from Rush Hour 2. This happened to Agent Lee, the character played by Jackie Chan. I have to say that this is a different angle than what we’d have seen in the show itself. But it is an interesting comparison.


With the plot of the last episode focusing on creepy clowns in a fun house, I couldn’t help but think of the song Funhouse by P!nk. I might want to look up the lyrics of it at some point in time. I think that I get the gist of it, but might understand it better if I could find a video of its lyrics. That’s provided that one can make sense of the song. It could be like Smells Like Teen Spirit where you can’t make sense of it even knowing what it is that they say.


The first part has a random horse showing up with a person taking video of it. Maybe he will go viral like those taking dewormer for horses against the actual, well known virus going on in the world. Anyways, the horse has blood on it. It isn’t his blood. But what is the case, exactly? I guess we’ll find out.


A man makes pills and a meal with his sister being there as well. He wants her to eat pancakes. He has a shoulder injury that he had treated with a band aid. We then see David being talked to about the case of his in question. David is told more about the man who has worked with him that was almost his lawyer, saying that this man doesn’t make mistakes, but the team still unclear about motives.


The newbies are at the crime scene with the horse that is amazing and probably tastes just like raisins. They can’t get the horseshoe. Maybe they should try for the pots of gold and rainbows instead.


The second part has Maxine and Allie talking to a guy in a cowboy hat who was alone at the time of a crime, but said that it couldn’t be him. Then who? There were rare earth elements found that relate to what is going on. Who is this new CSI guy? And can he be trusted? Normally in shows, they aren’t to be trusted if they are an old friend or a random new teammate. We see them go on horseback somewhere.


A pin from the grenade is found that relates to the David case and we see that this could be concrete evidence that Mr. Wix, the lawyer, is the person behind the whole conspiracy against him. Allie and the new guy (I think) find the dead body at hand. He says that he will take the body. The people from the crime lab are thought to be cops, but they explain that they are not. The kids there are killers as this place is a halfway house. And the plot just thickened.


The third part has the team talking to a Cory and he is helping them with the case. Josh claims that he has bad things in his genes. As long as he avoids becoming like Ray, he should be fine. I hate still how Ray’s story was unresolved when they couldn’t make use of Laurence Fishburne anymore and also hate how Laurence instead wound up largely in a big, recurring role on the awful Black-ish instead of doing more of CSI. And I love his replacement on the show too. But his story’s lack of resolution was among the worst unsolved plot threads in all of TV history.


Sorry about that. Now back to the episode in question: one of the juvenile criminals seems desensitized to the whole experience and says that everyone dies. Is he the killer of this episode? It seems too easy, but we’ll see. David is missing, but not for too long as he goes to a normal meeting place (a food truck) to talk to Mr. Wix. The police show up to this event.


The rest of the team is wondering why a person was killed with a shovel. He didn’t get rid of a shirt that he used to help someone that was bloody as he felt that him and others that he knew would be suspects. But Maxine wants to help.


The fourth part has Theo, this man, being brought up by Maxine. She talks to Josh about the case at hand. She learns that the blood is, in fact, three weeks old and Theo is let go since the shirt isn’t from the murder. Meanwhile, David was able to get out of any potential trouble by pregnancy cravings his wife was having being brought up as a reason why he want there. But Mr. Wix could be tipped off with Gil drawing the short end of a stick and having to tell his wife.


With the team having a suspect at hand, they talk to him and try to prove that he was the killer. He has some evidence that supports his side, but the others aren’t too sure as to what is going on. Gil talks to Mrs. Wix and she might be in on his crime as she felt that David would be most likely to fake evidence since all he did was follow the evidence. She implies that she will erase any evidence at her house before he is able to do any proper searches and looks forward to seeing him in court.


The fifth part has many suspected blood patterns being recreated to maybe see what might be going on. The dead person, Henry, is brought up. Henry was killed by his son Cory. I don’t quite understand all of this. A news story is done on David which is largely ignored while Gil and Sara talk about the case at hand. The horse found a home by Josh. Maxine is told that she is being suspended from the team since it seems like she was digging into what the Washington county team was looking into the case. And Mr. Wix might be behind this.


On the next CSI: Vegas, there is a nasty vat going on with many victims being brought out of this. Is this a great green glob of greasy slimy gopher guts? Piles of eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood and me without my spoon, but I have a straw.


With it being very close to Thanksgiving and all of the time disappearing over and over again, I note that they are already airing promos for this show’s replacement that I will get into later. Now I don’t know if I will be able to see this on the day that it airs. But I also don’t know if this will even be affected in this blog or not. What I do know is that I am telling you about this in case it is affected even though I don’t have the old work schedule with the old job that I used to which affected this anymore. That’s all that I’m going to talk about this at this point in time as there is not much else to say. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Season 1 Episode 6

I won’t talk about much in this blog’s introduction. But I will mention that if I can find a scene from a movie relevant to the last episode on YouTube, I’ll share it in the next blog post. For now, enjoy the last of the other blogs that I have not yet shared in this blog. This one currently only covers the first season of the show The Good Fight. But it has now largely covered politics since that time as I update it until maybe I am able to blog more about the show or it will just be about politics ever since.

The first part has a person dressing up like a clown. What is it with television’s and movies’ attempt to make us all fear clowns? Josh and Allie go to a clown place where they want to have sex! Right? I don’t know. I’m guessing that there is a crime scene, actually, and this has nothing to do with sex this time. I’ve never wanted two made up characters in a show to have sex more than those two. I normally don’t want this. Anyways, there is a crime that is going on at this carnival place as a dead body is there according to a female state police officer.

Meanwhile, back in the garage, they learn that the chemical that is sometimes used to test for if body is there (I can’t spell it and am not even sure what word they are saying for sure) was already there and used by a criminal to cover up a crime. In this case, a lack of evidence is exactly what they are looking for. With these chemicals being tested by Sara, they realize that the lab has been breached and anyone could potentially be a suspect, although we haven’t seen as much of the side characters. Could it be one of the main? Could it even be Josh or Allie?

The second part has them testing a theory about a potential bottle head switch that could point to who did this. The main internal investigation woman, whatshername, says that it has to be solved or all of the “rogue CSIs” are in danger. All of the seven main bottles are missing, which is a problem, but has to stay between Maxine and the others that she told.

Josh and Allie are on their own solving the clown case. There’s a man and a woman there maybe tanning who talk some about what’s going on. Clowns are heroes in san script. They go inside the house and think that someone was off of their medication.  Allie wants to follow more of a trail and separates some from Josh right now.

Gil and Sara do all their testing and think that bottle nine is what they are looking for. They look through footage and find that grenades and missing. They think that this person is still in the building.

Tom, one of the men with the clown case, isn’t being very helpful. Allie sees another dead clown with a cop having to leave for an hour relating to another case. If this is clown hell, this must be where Kefka ended up.

The third part reveals that Hugo is there with Josh and Allie as they look at their two dead clowns. It appears that some aspects of the case are made known, but I could not gather much of that right now. Back at the lab, they learn that the person who stole the grenades was not wearing any shoes. Do we have a Die Hard situation at hand? (What’s the name of Bruce Willis’s character in that movie?)

The clown case has the mysterious couple that Tom is part of having more to do with the case. An ice cream truck is important in some way, but I can’t tell much how right now. The team goes into the case and they go to another creepy thing there. I can’t understand this myself.

Back at the lab, we learn why grenades went missing as a man there took them. He tries to play it off as not too bad, but he is revealed to be the person who has bottle nine and could be guilty of a whole lot more.

The fourth part has Josh and Allie looking for a print that they think they can find. This leads to a man named Jeremiah. He is one of the criminals who could get out if David is found guilty. They talk to Tom about this. Chris, the man that they have, reveals that someone must have taken the bottle at a crime scene. The case at hand related to a bailiff at a court. Meanwhile, Josh and Allie seek to interview a serial killer so that they can find what’s going on. Tom could be a fan of this person. The serial killer went after people in a Gemini pattern.

Something wasn’t sprayed but leaked. The killer came back to the scene to find what could be used to frame David. Despite being bald, the killer still had dandruff. At the prison, we see the newbies talking to the killer. This guy’s name is Mr. Dalton. The man won’t reveal how his fingerprints got there. He calls the copycat a lesser man. He thinks that these people were killed in their sleep. It’s not all over. Josh tries to get Allie to understand how Mr. Dalton could have forced Tom to kill somehow with Tom crying over it. Meanwhile, Sara thinks that the DA charging David might have been the one who framed him and did other crimes too.

The fifth part has Andrew Wix being brought up as the main suspect since he is the DA and he was representing all of the criminals involved thus far. It is quite the conspiracy with him wanting money as his motive. But they still need more evidence in the case. They can’t prove that he was behind the case. Whatshername doesn’t want to report them for whatever reason and doesn’t want people out of jail. There is still more with this case to be known.

Allie and Josh seems to have figured out the case of theirs and it wasn’t Tom who did it. I can’t understand who this person is for sure that’s being charged here. He says that he only did it since it seems that Mr. Dalton would have killed his family. A cop went along with this as well. He mentions that his letters are an issue. He gives one of those typical villain speeches that the heroes pay no attention to.

On the next CSI: Vegas, a fiber is brought up, the world is nuts with people not believing the truth anymore, and maybe more will be known with the case. I guess we’ll have to see what all this means and what else could be going on with the main case at hand. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Season 1 Episode 5

While I might have mentioned before that my blog on Madam Secretary was one of the reasons that I was inspired to create a blog on CSI: Cyber which could have at one point been one on the original CSI (or the entire franchise in just one blog), there was a blog that came between it and that was one on The Good Wife. It’s hard to believe that I once did three blogs of shows that all aired on the same day. I can barely even do two now with an hour break between shows. But I am sharing this link about the show in question that also covers politics at times.


I have no idea just how much or, indeed, how little time, I might have for things, I am going to mention this news story on William Petersen’s health that might be worth covering even if it didn’t seem to last long or affect the filming of the show that much. I am pretty sure that unless more episodes or seasons of this show are made in the future, they will be done filming this soon if they aren’t already.


The first part has a problem with a plane landing, but it does and then we get to the police or whatever law enforcement officers are there find something, maybe, although the scene is cut short for now. Gil and Sara talk more to Maxine and they have to learn more about what’s going on with the David case. A person then shows up and takes them to the plane crime scene with people dead. He says that no one alive knows the answer to what went on, but Maxine thinks that they can figure it out in the end. We probably will before the rest of this hour passes.


The second part has people investigating what happened with the ax. They think that someone went nuts with it, but they need to know what went on. Someone did pull a fuse at some point by the looks of it. They think that a pilot couldn’t have done this since he was a hero. But do we really know our heroes? There are at least three different blood types at the crime scene.


Josh and Allie continue to flirt through a crime scene as they play never have I ever (which should just be called the shorter name, I never, but I guess they needed to pad the runtime of the episode, I wonder while having a snack of chips, I think) and talk about the FBI agent investigating the team or also at the crime scene as well. We also learn that the pressure of the plane was changed at some point. Would those on the plane know what this is like? I’ve flown before, but never remember whether or not a plane is depressurized or not.


Gil finds a foot, telling his partner that the game is afoot. There is more done with one of the dead bodies. Someone could have cut out this person beyond death by also saying that they weren’t in a will.


The third part has more being done in the case. I should have gotten a nap in today to better stay focused on these blogs, but I needed to do other things in my mind that weren’t done sooner. Anyways, broken bones are brought up and that lead the team to go somewhere. Allie is told that the game isn’t a list of things that she wouldn’t do. I thought that she understood it before. A strange shirt is brought up.


Josh goes inside a room and finds Cole. Cole is crying and upset over lots of things. Cole’s father was one of the people killed. He thinks that this killer should be in prison. A man shows up named Martin who talks to Sara and Gil about his work. He mentioned Riley, a dead person. Martin might be the person who framed David. They want to get a warrant right away and he calls an unknown person saying simply that “They know. They need to be dealt with.”


The fourth part has Maxine talking more about what’s going on and there is some sort of problem with a man there that she found while looking into a church group that had made use of some weird pattern. He wasn’t on the plane, but could have been working with the killers. He is told to call them if he sees anything. Josh comes and brings Cole a new snow globe to replace the one in evidence. This woman who might be the mother of Cole is signing a document and her fingers prove that she might be the killer of the people on the plane due to her frostbite.


Poker chips were stolen and she was snuck on board. She didn’t get all that she had wanted out of the crime on the plane since it wasn’t enough money in their mind. She is let go for now, but she will be put back on the plane.


The fifth part has Allie surprised that the babysitter swung the ax. Doesn’t she know? Don’t fuck with the babysitter. Josh realized that the plane was upside down at some point while he tries to put this woman on the plane when the crime was committed at some point. An AF id tag was shot from a gun and went back to her. She thought that all of them were dead, but her partner was alive and activated the audio land, which saved the lives of the rest of the people on the plane.


Martin is found dead, having been blown up with his dental records being destroyed given the way that he was killed. A secret is being kept a secret. Was it Martin who had made the call or was someone watching him? Every move you’ll make I’ll be watching you. Why is that seen as a sweet song? Meanwhile, they need to find some adult to put Cole’s custody in. He will be staying with his uncle.


Maxine gets a letter from someone named Marcus giving what seems like a Dear John letter. We then see Gil and Sara learning more of the fire destroying evidence. They think that Martin was working for someone. But why did they want him dead? Or is that really him that is dead? Gil thinks that a mistake was made when he notices a room that hasn’t been processed that shows more details in the dark.


On the next CSI: Vegas, a creepy clown is there, people are trapped with a killer, and it seems like CSI becomes a crime scene itself. They do creepy things a lot in this whole franchise, you know? We’ll see what else happens as the show continues. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Season 2 Episode 16

Since I mentioned the show 9-1-1 in a previous post, I might as well mention the Monday shows that I watch. This will cover things that aire...